Willy's TC Journey


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Staff member
Hello all,
I'll be posting updates of my LFH and photos of my cultures here :)
Hope you enjoy this thread!

Drosophyllum lusitanicum culture, seed grown, 10 days old:
I've forgotten to mention that this thread is a continuation of my thread in the old forum here. You can check out my LFH and upgrades, if you're interested :)

Here's a photo of the same Byblis liniflora culture, 30 days vs 38 days, can you spot the difference?
This is a selected clone that grows the fastest! (well, I have two to compare, haha)
I love how I don't have to worry about watering it inside the container. This is great for a lazy person like me.

Nice work Willy, it seems that you won the battle over sterilization and produced a nice gel for growing. I dont have any photos yet but hope to get something posted on my Dionaea Muscipula eventally. So far, I managed several clean cultures in baby food jars.
My recipes are:

A. For One litre Seed media -no auxins or hormones:
Gelzan powder 3.0 g
Sugar = 30g
PPM-preservative= 1.0g

Without adjustment, this mix measured exactly to 5.1 ph
Adjustment is needed in order to rech the desired pre-autoclave ph of 5.5

For One litre of Explant media add the to the above:

A. 1g kinetin-In order to promote callus in leaf and stems.

B. 1g IBA3-In order to promote growth of roots
@Dogrem, thanks! Most people refer this to TC, but I guess the correct term is in vitro, haha. :)

Thanks for the recipe!
This is mine (haven't added anything else yet, but I bought some BAP):
1/3 MS salts
30g table sugar
1/8 tablet of multi-vitamin tablet with thiamine
6g food grade agar agar

On a side note, I usually mix half a liter at a time.
It takes good patience and a number of tries before something cool happens.
Right now, I think the success rate for starting a clean culture is about 70-80%.
I love it when something cool happens though!
Here's the Drosophyllum culture and two Drosera cultures.

I'm still working on Darlingtonia and Sarracenia seeds, they tend to be either burnt or not completely sterilized. Anyone has tips to offer? :)
Nice work Willy, it seems that you won the battle over sterilization and produced a nice gel for growing. I dont have any photos yet but hope to get something posted on my Dionaea Muscipula eventally. So far, I managed several clean cultures in baby food jars.
My recipes are:

A. For One litre Seed media -no auxins or hormones:
Gelzan powder 3.0 g
Sugar = 30g
PPM-preservative= 1.0g

Without adjustment, this mix measured exactly to 5.1 ph
Adjustment is needed in order to rech the desired pre-autoclave ph of 5.5

For One litre of Explant media add the to the above:

A. 1g kinetin-In order to promote callus in leaf and stems.

B. 1g IBA3-In order to promote growth of roots

And finally the photos:


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Great work, Kent!
Where did you buy your PPM? It is so expensive..
I adjust my ph to 5.8 before I put the jars into the pressure cooker.
Great work, Kent!
Where did you buy your PPM? It is so expensive..
I adjust my ph to 5.8 before I put the jars into the pressure cooker.
Thanks Willy, At first I had quite a time finding a source but I believe you can still get 30 grams for roughly 30 dollars plus shipping at 35 dollars from:

Terri Wichtendahl


Plan Cell Technology

1823 Jefferson Place, NW

Washington, DC 20036

Telephone: 202-621-5494

It sells for roughly a dollar per gram, so the small bottle should be enough for 30 litres.
I also bought a 50ml bottle since then but cant recall who sold it.
@Dogrem, thanks! Most people refer this to TC, but I guess the correct term is in vitro, haha. :)

Thanks for the recipe!
This is mine (haven't added anything else yet, but I bought some BAP):
1/3 MS salts
30g table sugar
1/8 tablet of multi-vitamin tablet with thiamine
6g food grade agar agar

On a side note, I usually mix half a liter at a time.
Your recipe looks like a few others Ive seen except for the multi-vitamin tablet.
Whats that about and does it work?
I read elsewhere, Dionaea seem to do better on Kinetin and Sarracenia do better on BAP.
For seed cultures, I am staying with ph of 5.5.
After a few months of trying, I still havent had any callus from leaves.
I still dont know the reason for that.
Perhaps I should have began them on kinetin and without any IBA.
I've only bought BAP to play with. I haven't added any to my cultures yet, I want to get them growing into decent sizes before inducing the multiplication.
Here are some photos from my mini-lab:
Some Drosera seedlings...


A transferred culture, hopefully nothing goes wrong!

Sarracenia seed!
I found Sarr. seed fairly easy in vitro.
I havent tried anything other than Dionaea so far because my big problem is always fungus on the tips of ebay seed even after 10 percent bleach for ten minutes. The only change lately is that I just started using tween 20 in the bleach bath before rinsing with tap water 5 minutes through a tea strainer. As an added precaution, I let them soak a few hours in sterile distilled water before sucking them out with a plastic pipette and then dropping them into jars. Even after all that, I will only get a few clean sprouts from each pack. My best average of 5 seeds without fungus came from an ebayer in Tisdale Sask.
I've only bought BAP to play with. I haven't added any to my cultures yet, I want to get them growing into decent sizes before inducing the multiplication.
Here are some photos from my mini-lab:
Some Drosera seedlings...
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A transferred culture, hopefully nothing goes wrong!
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Sarracenia seed!
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You had me fooled Willy. Judging by the amount of roots in this batch, I was certain you were using some magic formula.
Have you had any success from cuttings?
@Dogrem, thanks! Most people refer this to TC, but I guess the correct term is in vitro, haha. :)

Thanks for the recipe!
This is mine (haven't added anything else yet, but I bought some BAP):
1/3 MS salts
30g table sugar
1/8 tablet of multi-vitamin tablet with thiamine
6g food grade agar agar

On a side note, I usually mix half a liter at a time.
For the 1/8 tablet, which vitamin is this?
You had me fooled Willy. Judging by the amount of roots in this batch, I was certain you were using some magic formula.
Have you had any success from cuttings?
I have a few ex-plant cultures just made few days ago. Let's hope that something will happen (beside fluffy fungus growing).
I am just using the formula that I've written previously. I will be adding BAP later.
The vitamin tablet is called Multi Vitamin, the one per day ones you see in drug stores. If you are buying some, make sure to check for thiamine (B1), I've read that it's important to have it in the tablet.