Bugs. They seem to come in a variety of sizes, and both dark and light colors:

I hate them. I hate them all so much. They showed up a couple weeks ago around when I got a new plant, and now they seem to have spread to all my outdoor (highland) nepenthes *and* my sarracenias as well. I mostly just see them hanging out in the trays near water puddles, and I'm not sure if they're actually doing any damage to my plants. Or maybe they're beneficial, and I'm too blinded by my own hatred to see it? At one point they seemed to be committing mass suicide into one particular pitcher.
They also seem a bit more spry than aphids, which was my first guess. A couple of days ago I wiped down all the bug-surfaces with a damp cloth, but now there's more than ever. I guess they could be springtails? But they don't really seem to jump. Also, I would still hate them, I just would have to re-think my life choices.

I hate them. I hate them all so much. They showed up a couple weeks ago around when I got a new plant, and now they seem to have spread to all my outdoor (highland) nepenthes *and* my sarracenias as well. I mostly just see them hanging out in the trays near water puddles, and I'm not sure if they're actually doing any damage to my plants. Or maybe they're beneficial, and I'm too blinded by my own hatred to see it? At one point they seemed to be committing mass suicide into one particular pitcher.
They also seem a bit more spry than aphids, which was my first guess. A couple of days ago I wiped down all the bug-surfaces with a damp cloth, but now there's more than ever. I guess they could be springtails? But they don't really seem to jump. Also, I would still hate them, I just would have to re-think my life choices.