Stuff to give away: 34 served so far! (No more to give away!)

Winnipeg people:
@Brian Borysowich

If I have not included any Winnipeg people, please let me know. @PegCityGirl offered to be the Winnipeg distributor first but more people seem to know @BarbBaskaBasia more. PegCityGirl are you Ok if BarbBaskaBasia is the Winnipeg distributor? BarbBaskaBasia are you Ok with distributing all the plants to the people above? Is everybody else Ok to pick up from Barb? Does anybody require mailing from Barb? After I send to the distributor it's out of my hands. It's my intention that all the other Winnipeg people reimburse the distributor for my shipping costs and any local mailing. If anybody has any concerns about Barb being the distributor let me know.
Winnipeg people:
@Brian Borysowich

If I have not included any Winnipeg people, please let me know. @PegCityGirl offered to be the Winnipeg distributor first but more people seem to know @BarbBaskaBasia more. PegCityGirl are you Ok if BarbBaskaBasia is the Winnipeg distributor? BarbBaskaBasia are you Ok with distributing all the plants to the people above? Is everybody else Ok to pick up from Barb? Does anybody require mailing from Barb? After I send to the distributor it's out of my hands. It's my intention that all the other Winnipeg people reimburse the distributor for my shipping costs and any local mailing. If anybody has any concerns about Barb being the distributor let me know.
Yes, I am fine with @BarbBaskaBasia distributing and take this an an opportunity to meet her.
@numpty, I will touch base with you if you’d like me to pick up from @BarbBaskaBasia or if you’d like to me to pick up for you, which is not a problem since we live pretty close to each other.
Llyod, thanks again so much!
Winnipeg people:
@Brian Borysowich

If I have not included any Winnipeg people, please let me know. @PegCityGirl offered to be the Winnipeg distributor first but more people seem to know @BarbBaskaBasia more. PegCityGirl are you Ok if BarbBaskaBasia is the Winnipeg distributor? BarbBaskaBasia are you Ok with distributing all the plants to the people above? Is everybody else Ok to pick up from Barb? Does anybody require mailing from Barb? After I send to the distributor it's out of my hands. It's my intention that all the other Winnipeg people reimburse the distributor for my shipping costs and any local mailing. If anybody has any concerns about Barb being the distributor let me know.

Hello Lloyd,

Thank you very much, yes, I am definitely ok distributing to everyone. I will send you my address and details in a pm. For thoses in the group that are not familiar with me (yet ), I am based in North Saint-Boniface close to the old City Hall. I will connect with everyone once I know more.
Dunno if that was to anyone inparticular, but I know for myself, any heli is welcome. I don't have any currently but grew them successfully in the past
You'll wait long enough for ideal shipping conditions in Manitoba. Probably about two months of the year? (An exaggeration, maybe, but not by much!) I personally would risk a shipment since minimum temperatures seem set to hover above freezing for the foreseeable future, but I don't want to speak for others who might have more experience with inter-provincial shipping.

I'm sure we're all grateful for the free plants and will accept them whenever they come, but you probably want to get things moving and out of the way!
Yes Winnipeg is out of the winter now!
Next week will be rainy with +12 to +19 degree ;)
I think Calgary’s weather would be fine, might still get to -1 overnight, but day time highs look good! Unless someone with more experience thinks otherwise!
Hey Lloyd!

I'm not sure what's all been claimed or if there's anything left but I'd love to try out any of the easier to grow options!

I do have a couple VFTs, sarrs, and one cape sundew - if any of those easy to grow nepenthes are still around I'd be real interested, or maybe a sarr or heli.

I do live out in SK though so I totally understand if shipping here isn't a great option, I think the community here is pretty small but I'd be happy to distribute to anyone here if you've come across anyone.
I was worried about Winnipeg weather so I'm aiming for next week. Winnipeg people: ExpressPost or regular parcel? You're splitting it 8 ways so I would say go for Expresspost.
Next biggest group seems to be mainland BC
Is there anybody who would be the distributor? They would have to arrange for the others to pickup and hopefully would mail to @telkwasnowgirl.
The fuel postage add-on is big these days, so I would like to do combined shipping. Also are people Ok with standard parcel? I think Expresspost might be significantly more expensive.