Carnivorous Plant Addict
Hi there,
Here is a nice thread to discuss about Phalaenopsis Orchids. I’ll start with this first guys :
All the flowers he had just dried out a couple weeks ago. You can see on the second picture that I expect new blooms. It has a nice foliage and a new leaf is growing out of the stem. The right bottom leaf is yellowish. Don’t know if I will be able to save it.
This plant was just reported from the original pot you can find them in. The old media was pure LFS. Now it is in a mix of LFS, coco bark and fir bark. Maybe the repot is the cause of this yellow leaf?
Here is a nice thread to discuss about Phalaenopsis Orchids. I’ll start with this first guys :

All the flowers he had just dried out a couple weeks ago. You can see on the second picture that I expect new blooms. It has a nice foliage and a new leaf is growing out of the stem. The right bottom leaf is yellowish. Don’t know if I will be able to save it.
This plant was just reported from the original pot you can find them in. The old media was pure LFS. Now it is in a mix of LFS, coco bark and fir bark. Maybe the repot is the cause of this yellow leaf?