It’s my first for Heliamphora, 2 flower stalk forming

Les serres de Paolo Inc.

Carnivorous Plant Addict
I need some help to make sure I can pollinate them correctly. Do I need to cross pollinate the 2 plants or each plant can be self pollinated?

Here pictures of my 2 Heliamphora, pulchella apacapa and pulchella chimanta

Thanks in advance


heli flowers can be selfed very easy , the fist flower is pollen collection , unless you have pollen from another plant then u can make a hybrid, the anther need to be buzz stimulated to release the pollen, i use a tuning fork ,u can use any other vibrating tool to do it , tooth brush for instances with a adopted replacment than the brush . i did a post some here below how to do it i think :)
heli flowers can be selfed very easy , the fist flower is pollen collection , unless you have pollen from another plant then u can make a hybrid, the anther need to be buzz stimulated to release the pollen, i use a tuning fork ,u can use any other vibrating tool to do it , tooth brush for instances with a adopted replacment than the brush . i did a post some here below how to do it i think :)
Good idea with an electric tooth brush! Will try it on my third flower stalk as I failed my 2 first attemp :(
I use a tuning fork. The collection day seems a bit critical. I try an anther and if no free flow of pollen, try again. When I get a good flow, I finish all the anthers. I posted my method somewhere on the forum.