Helis mainly but dews, VFT, few Neps, maybe Brochinia. Depend on my energy level.

They are recovering well :D
I caught my D. "Lloyd Gordon" trying to make a flower stalk today. Already. But I think the seeds aren't self-compatible (?), so I chopped it off. Soon, I'll know whether it's possible for petiolaris complex droseras to be propagated by flower stalk cutting (by me).
The new drosera is starting to perk up a bit, new leaves are forming. The heli is still looking dry, but I've got a dome on it now and this little shelf on my kitchen cart gets fairly humid when there's a grouping of plants in there. My pings (bottom centre) from @spiffyzha are also looking good! My nepenthes still has not produced an actual pitcher, but new leaves are looking much more red, so it's definitely getting more light at least, now that all my other plants and the bog planters have been kicked outside and my lights are freed up.

I'd be careful about the small dome for the Heli. Not much air movement. Maybe a larger terrarium with a fan. Or spraying twice a day and water in the pitchers.
Thanks. I do fill up the pitchers when I water, and the dome comes off regularly so I can just look at my plants. Since this is right next to my kitchen, and I work from home, this happens quite regularly, lol. I start my tomatoes seedlings in this same setup, and in lieu of a fan, I walk by and blow on them a few times a day to keep the air flowing and the stems strong ;p
I have a new pitcher on my heli! I flipped the dome over so it is open on top = more like a terrarium and more airflow. Also easier for me to walk by and blow on it a few times a day, lol. It may be my imagination, but the pitchers that were still green when I received it seem to have plumped up a bit and are looking healthier. I fed it a house fly a week ago.

That's a good sign. Your plant did seem to suffer more "dry back" than mine, probably because mine had more extensive roots. However the new pitcher means your plant is on its way.
It also took me an extra day to collect the package, so it was sitting in the baggie a little extra long. The drosera is definitely bouncing back nicely! Many new blades are growing :)