Heliamphora for near future

Lloyd Gordon

Cactus micrografter newbie.
Staff member
Some of my Heli's have gone a bit crazy. The "nutans" and minor should give off lots of babies with roots. The heterodoxa x minor is insane, but I'm not sure how many parts will have roots but any babies will have tissue at the end so should root. Are people interested in non-rooted parts? They will be a good way to get adult plants if you're caring and patient (and aren't we all?). I'd hate to throw stuff out. If people are worried about shipping costs I could throw in some other nice plants. What are your thoughts?
Some of my Heli's have gone a bit crazy. The "nutans" and minor should give off lots of babies with roots. The heterodoxa x minor is insane, but I'm not sure how many parts will have roots but any babies will have tissue at the end so should root. Are people interested in non-rooted parts? They will be a good way to get adult plants if you're caring and patient (and aren't we all?). I'd hate to throw stuff out. If people are worried about shipping costs I could throw in some other nice plants. What are your thoughts?
I would be interested :)
If you have some nutan left, I would be happy to get another one from you Lloyd.
I grow the one you sent me a long time before it suddenly dies. Maiden couldn't believe is eyes how tall it was (near 18 inches).

Hi Lloyd, this sounds very interesting. I've never grown Helis. If you have one or two heterodoxa x minor leaves available it would be a good experience to try rooting them. This is a generous offer and nice to know "bits" won't go to waste.
Thanks all for the feedback. In a few weeks the great repotting will begin. In the meantime I'd like people to think of groups as in my previous largish giveaway. Is there a local person who could redistribute to multiple local people? I'd prefer to just mail a few packages and save time and money to recipients. If you have thoughts on this, PM me on local leaders of geographic areas.
Thanks all for the feedback. In a few weeks the great repotting will begin. In the meantime I'd like people to think of groups as in my previous largish giveaway. Is there a local person who could redistribute to multiple local people? I'd prefer to just mail a few packages and save time and money to recipients. If you have thoughts on this, PM me on local leaders of geographic areas.
If there is a large mailing for Vancouver lower mainland, i would love to be part of it! Thank you.
Is anybody else thinking of volunteering to be distribution person for a geographical area? It worked well last time. I don't want to mail a lot of boxes. More efficient.
Thanks all for the feedback. In a few weeks the great repotting will begin. In the meantime I'd like people to think of groups as in my previous largish giveaway. Is there a local person who could redistribute to multiple local people? I'd prefer to just mail a few packages and save time and money to recipients. If you have thoughts on this, PM me on local leaders of geographic areas.
Is anybody else thinking of volunteering to be distribution person for a geographical area? It worked well last time. I don't want to mail a lot of boxes. More efficient.

Near Don Mills and sheppard area I can
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Thanks, Nicole and shine.
In a similar vein, I will give preference to orders with 2 or more people.