H. "nutans"

Lloyd Gordon

Cactus micrografter newbie.
Staff member
I'm going to thin out my "nutans" pot before the cold weather.
These will be giveaways for S&H.
Note that I owe some people favours. These people will get priority. I have no idea of demand or how many plants there will be. Once I pay back all my debts, there may be left overs, which will be distributed as fairly as possible. Don't put your name in unless you feel confident you won't kill it. They require good light, high humidity, good ventilation and temperatures that don't go above ~25°C and drop at night.

PM me with your name and if applicable why I owe you a favour (I don't keep track of everything).

I will announce an end in a few days to get my "debts" in and will end the others after about 5, non-favour people. Please don't feel hard done by if you don't get one.
Everybody who has PM'ed me, PM me your address ASAP. There still may be some openings so PM your name and address ASAP.
Also if the plant is big enough, it will go ExpressPost. Everybody will be responsible for the postage.
Thanks for quick payment. Ontario will be there tomorrow, BC Thursday. Let me know how they are. If you're happy make a donation to the forum.
@Lloyd Gordon - Thanks again Lloyd for this division, I think it's recovered and doing pretty good, here are some photos:



I'll keep track of names in this thread. If I repot and have leftovers, I should have some to pass around. Note I can't guarantee any particular person a plant. I generally payback favours first, then people who've been around a lot and/or contribute to the forum. Don't despair though. Usually everyone who wants one gets one, You pay ExPressPost.
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That's real generous of you, Lloyd. I would be say I'm interested, however I cannot provide the appropriate conditions (mainly temperatures below 25C) especially with how hot it's gotten over here. Good luck to all that do get divisions.