lol, well I can tell you what their setup is and you can see if there’s anything you’d like to try. I’ve followed the advice here and planted my pings in 50/50 peat and perlite with a sprinkling of vermicompost mixed in. The lights are those super cheap $20 Amazon clip on lights. I turn them on around 7am, and off around 10:30pm. They sit near the east-facing window in a cheap rolling cart I also use for micro greens. I haven’t actually fed the pings for a few weeks since they looked like they were in dormancy for a while. But a couple have caught themselves a fruit fly or two recently so I guess they’re coming out of it I don’t let them sit in water, but do water every few days so they don’t dry out. I have no idea whatWow!! This is really amazing! Yours look so much happier than mine!
Um, any tips you'd like to offer me?![]()
My son also hangs out by them lately to create Halloween installations… perhaps they like him?
So basically, cheap, semi-neglect with periodic intervention seems to work?
Here’s the setup! There’s also a sad VFT I rescued from a corner store, and 1 little strawberry that randomly sprouted so I’m nurturing it for now