Baby Pings (noid) and More -- Round 2!

Wow!! This is really amazing! Yours look so much happier than mine!

Um, any tips you'd like to offer me? :D
lol, well I can tell you what their setup is and you can see if there’s anything you’d like to try. I’ve followed the advice here and planted my pings in 50/50 peat and perlite with a sprinkling of vermicompost mixed in. The lights are those super cheap $20 Amazon clip on lights. I turn them on around 7am, and off around 10:30pm. They sit near the east-facing window in a cheap rolling cart I also use for micro greens. I haven’t actually fed the pings for a few weeks since they looked like they were in dormancy for a while. But a couple have caught themselves a fruit fly or two recently so I guess they’re coming out of it I don’t let them sit in water, but do water every few days so they don’t dry out. I have no idea what
humidity is like in this room, tbh. It’s coolish at night these days since we haven’t turned the heat on yet.

My son also hangs out by them lately to create Halloween installations… perhaps they like him?

So basically, cheap, semi-neglect with periodic intervention seems to work?

Here’s the setup! There’s also a sad VFT I rescued from a corner store, and 1 little strawberry that randomly sprouted so I’m nurturing it for now
After staring for a while at my small collection of pinguicula, I've decided that the ones that are doing the best are both neglected *and* not potted in orchid bark, heh. I think I maybe need to just repot a few of these guys in a better mix.
Yep, sometimes the best thing to do is just ignore them. I used to constantly be fiddling and checking water levels and picking off every little dried leaf, but the best looking plants are the ones I never bother.
I feel like since CPs are essentially the ultimate survivors so long as their conditions are similar to their original habitats they should be able to fend for themselves a lot, lol!
Finally got around to repotting my pings. They've now got a mix of 70% sand/gravel (1.5-2.5 mm), 20% peat, and 10% {combination of milled sphagnum, fluval stratum, and diatomacious earth}. I've never been able to keep my pinguicula very happy, but hopefully they'll like this mix a bit better.
So I suspect @spiffyzha’s mystery ping must be some sort of gigantea because in 6 months one of the gifted babies has gone from being smaller than my pinkie fingernail to this monster in the left, shown with an esseriana and Weser for comparison. No flowers yet, but I’m very curious about what they will look like!
